Catalytic Converter Replacement

February 9, 2025

Many of us have become aware of how important it is to keep our planets air clean, and your vehicle has a key component that helps do just that: the catalytic converter. Its in the exhaust system, and its job is to superheat unburned, harmful byproducts in the exhaust, so they dont get spewed ou... More

Positive Crankcase Ventilation ? PCV Valve Service at Charlie's Fast Lube Anna

December 8, 2024

Hello Anna! Did you know that the first federally-mandated emissions control device was introduced in the 1960's? The Positive Crankcase Ventilation valve, or PCV valve, has been installed in Illinois vehicles since 1964 and represents the first legislation by the United States government to regu... More

Anna Exhaust and Emissions Service

April 3, 2022

Many Anna residents don't realize that there is more to exhaust system maintenance than just tailpipes and mufflers, if you can see smoke or if it's too loud. Exhaust service at a full-service automotive center like Charlie's Fast Lube Anna is really a lot more comprehensive these days.For examp... More

Charlie's Fast Lube Anna Service for Your Exhaust System

April 28, 2019

Your vehicle's exhaust system is more than just a tailpipe and a muffler. In fact, it is one of the most complex systems on your vehicle. The manifold is attached to the vehicle engine. It collects exhaust from the cylinders and directs it into the exhaust pipe. Gaskets seal the connection of th... More