Charlie's Fast Lube Anna Engine Air Filter Replacement
April 24, 2022
When your experienced Charlie's Fast Lube Anna technician changes your oil, he will also inspect your air filter. You shouldn't need a new air filter at every oil change, but you will need to change it regularly. Heed your technician's auto advice if they tell you to change your air filter.An ai... More

Air Conditioning Service in Anna
April 17, 2022
Hey Anna! Let's talk about one of our Illinois summertime must-haves: your car A/C. It's real easy for Anna drivers to take their car's air conditioner for granted. Just push the right buttons and out comes cool, dry, clean air. But your air conditioning system needs attention from time to time t... More

PCV Valve Replacement
April 10, 2022
Hello Anna, let's talk about your often-unnoticed but extremely important PCV valve. The energy from exploding fuel is what powers your engine. But some of the vapors from the explosions escape into the lower part of the engine, called the crankcase. The crankcase is where your engine oil hangs o... More

Anna Exhaust and Emissions Service
April 3, 2022
Many Anna residents don't realize that there is more to exhaust system maintenance than just tailpipes and mufflers, if you can see smoke or if it's too loud. Exhaust service at a full-service automotive center like Charlie's Fast Lube Anna is really a lot more comprehensive these days.For examp... More