Let?s Shift Gears (Transmission Fluid Replacement)
March 31, 2024
If you have a vehicle with an automatic transmission, you probably never think about gear shifting. When motor vehicles were invented, all of them had to be shifted manually. But that wonderful self-shifting transmission, referred to these days as simply an automatic, changed everything. Automa... More

The Charlie's Fast Lube Anna Guide to Servicing Your Differential
March 24, 2024
Differential? What's that? And what's it for? I've been told by my service advisor that I need to get it serviced, but is that on the level?Do these questions sound familiar? They're not uncommon for Anna drivers. A lot of us in Anna don't know what a differential is or what it's for. Every vehi... More

Why Alignment Matters (Vehicle Alignment Maintenance)
March 17, 2024
It's one of those things that can happen on a multi-day road adventure or a quick trip to the grocery store. You hit a pothole, go too fast over a speed bump, nail a curb. When it happens, you think, "I wonder if that was hard enough to do any damage?" But things seem ok and you continue on yo... More

A Turn for the Worse (Using Turn Signals)
March 10, 2024
Distracted driving is bad, you know that. Daydreaming, talking on the cell phone, putting your makeup on in the rear view mirror. All bad. But there's something else that causes more than twice as many accidents, according to a recent study. And that's people who don't use their turn signals.... More

QUIET TIME (Listening for Vehicle Problems)
March 3, 2024
Everybody's got friends like this. You know, the kind who, the minute they get in their vehicle and turn the key, the sound system is deafening. They just love to hear that music, sports, news anything but the sound of the vehicle itself. And maybe you're that person, too. Here's something to ... More