To Fix or Not To Fix: That Is the Question.
October 25, 2020
No matter what vehicle you drive, when certain things break, you have to make a decision. Should I get it fixed now, later or never? Air conditioning is one of those things. You can certainly live without air conditioning, but it sure is nice to have on a sweltering day. Let's say your air con... More

3 Winter Windshield Tips (Care of Windshield)
October 18, 2020
Cold weather can present some real challenges when it comes to your vehicle's windshield. Think of it. Your windshield is your window to the world when you're driving, and clear visibility is extraordinarily important for safe travels. So here are 3 tips to ensure that your windshield can do it... More

Charlie's Fast Lube Anna Helps You Decipher the Menu Board: Part 2
October 11, 2020
Illinois service centers have a menu board that lists the services they provide. Some Anna drivers may not be familiar with all of the items on the board so here is a quick description of some of the typical services that might be listed.Charlie's Fast Lube Anna fuel system cleaning: Over time, ... More

Illinois: What Is the Risk of High Oil Change Intervals?
October 4, 2020
Illinois residents may have heard that vehicles don't need their oil changed as often as they used to. That's true. But it's not the whole story.Owing to improved engine technology and higher oil quality, most newer vehicles can go longer between oil changes than their older counterparts.So what ... More