Engine Hydration for Anna Drivers: Role of Your Water Pump
February 28, 2021
The cooling system in an engine has five components: the radiator, the radiator cap, the hoses, the thermostat and the water pump. The water is literally the heart of the system. Just as your own heart keeps your blood circulating through your body, the water pump keeps coolant circulating throug... More

Considering an Alternative Fuel Vehicle in Anna?
February 21, 2021
There is a clear and vocal demand in Anna and nationally for a reduction in air pollution and our dependence on fossil fuels. This is what is driving the Illinois market for alternative fuel vehicles. There are a number of these vehicles on Anna area roads today, and many more being developed. Y... More

Automotive Tips from Charlie's Fast Lube Anna: Serpentine Belt System Wear
February 14, 2021
The primary job of the serpentine belt for Anna drivers is to provide important traction to spin the accessories. As the belt wears it loses some of its grip and the accessories may not spin at optimal speeds. For example, if your alternator doesnt spin fast enough, the battery will not completel... More

Deciphering the Charlie's Fast Lube Anna Menu Board
February 7, 2021
Let's talk about deciphering the auto service menu board. Anna, Illinois, service centers like Charlie's Fast Lube Anna have a board that lists the routine services they provide. But some people don't know what these services really are unless they ask. Let's go down a typical list, in alphabeti... More